Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sabbatical, anyone?

It's been almost two years since I posted to this blog. Hard to believe it's been that long but there it is. I can't say if it was any one thing that made me take a Time Out on my writing. I had work, family, finances, the usual black holes of an aspiring writer. I just know there came a time where I felt utterly defeated by the industry as a whole and the genre of romance.

That's unusual for me. I tend to be the cheerleader. But I couldn't muster the positive attitude needed to continue on my publishing journey. Yes, I'd published a book with a small but respected digital press. And it was doing well in the limited distribution it received. But I knew deep inside it was time to take a step back; to regroup. Did I really want to continue beating my head against that wall? To what eventual outcome?

As any writer who's been writing for a while will tell you, there are no guarantees in publishing. You have no control over the market, the publisher, the editors, or anything else for that matter, except the writing itself. So, I went back to school to pursue my business degree. It was a big "incomplete" hanging over my head and it, at least, was something I could control.

Going back has been amazing. The challenge of wrapping my head around business, economics and accounting has pushed me in directions I didn't believe possible. (You're groaning but it is and has been a total and complete departure from my Arts background and I needed the break.)

This past March, I became a full-time student and part-time bookkeeper. I'm still pursuing my degree but now, with a little more control over my schedule, my mind has been whirling with plots and dialogue and characters. It seems their voices are calling me back.

Maybe I'm not finished with writing. Maybe I still have some stories to tell.

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